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Tasmanian devils enjoy a thick blanket of snow at Aussie Ark



Tasmanian devils finally enjoyed a snow day this week at Aussie Ark in Tomalla, New South Wales, Australia, after waiting all winter.

In a video shared by the park on Wednesday, Aussie Ark Supervisor Tyler Gralton says “we didnt expect anything like this.” What began as a “little bit of a dusting” became a winter wonderland overnight, covering the park in a thick blanket of snow.

Tasmanian devils can be seen burrowing and frolicking in the fresh snow. The video also shows what appear to be wallabies, and Gralton can be seen holding what appears to be a small joey.

Aussie Ark was originally known as Devil Ark, and its mission was to breed Tasmanian devils in order to save the species from devil facial tumor disease. The park now works to preserve other threatened Australian species.