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Rehabbed sea turtles named ”Himalayan Salt” and “Turmeric are released after completing stay at New England Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Hospital in Quincy, MA



Two rehabilitated sea turtles have finally been released into the waters off Cape Cod, Mass., after being rescued in December 2021. The two turtles, a loggerhead named Himalayan Salt and a Kemps ridley named Turmeric, washed ashore on Cape Cod cold-stunned and were rescued by Mass Audubons Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Himalayan Salt was taken to the New England Aquariums Sea Turtle Hospital on Christmas Eve, according to a statement from the aquarium. The turtle received antibiotics for nearly six weeks to treat progressive pulmonary changes. The aquarium tagged Himalayan Salt to allow staff to track the turtle. Turmeric had pneumonia, along with fractures to the shell, right femur and tibia. The turtle was initially transported to National Marine Life Center in Bourne, Mass., and was transferred to the Aquariums Quincy facility due to concerns that the turtles lungs could be exposed by the fractured shell. Turmeric underwent surgery to repair the fractures, but after two months without healing, the turtles right rear flipper had to be amputated. After nearly two months of therapy and antibiotics, Turmeric was deemed ready to return to the sea. A video shared by the aquarium shows staff, volunteers and supporters on the beach watching the turtles release. Himalayan Salt can be seen entering the water with the tracker visible on the turtles shell. Turmeric can be seen slowly pushing across the sand with only three flippers, before finally reaching the water and disappearing beneath the waves. “We had the opportunity to help this turtle survive but also learned a lot in the process that can help us with similar cases in the future,” said Adam Kennedy, Director of Rescue and Rehabilitation at the Aquarium. “The Aquarium operates one of the largest sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation programs in the world, and we can still learn and grow in ways that make a stronger team to provide the best care.”