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Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium Welcome Twin Sister Polar Bears Astra and Laerke – Public Debut Set for June 15



Twin polar bear cubs Astra and Laerke have moved to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, Wash., after being born at the Detroit Zoo in November 2020.
The young sisters were separated soon after birth when Laerke (pronounced LAIR-keh) had a medical emergency, after which she need constant human care. The cubs were reintroduced earlier this spring “and are now inseparable,” Point Defiance said in a statement.
“These exceptional bears have captured the hearts of millions of people across the country with their heartwarming stories,” said Malia Somerville, interim general curator for Point Defiance Zoo. “We are delighted to warmly welcome them to the Pacific Northwest and excited to introduce them to our community.”
Astra and Laerke will make their public debut at Point Defiance on Thursday, June 15. Until then, theyre settling in to their new habitat. A video shared by the zoo shows the young bears swimming and exploring their new home.
“Both bears are smart, high-energy bears who love to splash, pounce and play together in the water,” said Point Defiance Zoo assistant curator Sheriden Ploof. “Astra is confident, independent and inquisitive while Laerke is more cautious and gentle.” Ploof and three other polar bear caregivers traveled to Detroit to meet the young bears and learn about their personalities, favorite foods and daily routines.”
The zoos last polar bear, Blizzard, was diagnosed with liver cancer and euthanized in May 2022. Since then, the zoo has been upgrading the Arctic Tundra habitat in preparation for the new cubs arrival.
“Weve replaced rockwork with soft sand so its paw-friendly, and weve added a log structure so Astra and Laerke can practice their climbing skills,” said Ploof. “And we expect both bears to spend many happy hours playing and swimming in their deep saltwater pool.”