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Owl Nicknamed Winky Has Been Flying Into Homes In British Columbia, Canada



An owl has been entering homes and causing chaos in Oak Bay, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. At around 4 a.m. on Nov. 10, the Oak Bay Police Department received a report of an intruder at a residence on Beach Drive. Police say the homeowner was woken by banging on her windows. When officers arrived, they found an owl perched on a couch. Photos shared by the police show the owl in the home, and in one image, it appears to be winking. Police said that after some coaxing, the owl walked out the opened patio doors on its own and flew away. It is believed the owl entered the home through the chimney. The owl, now dubbed Winky, has since been reported in at least one other home in the area, with photos on social media showing the same distinctive wink.