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Curious Bear Checks Out Baker’s Porch In Lutz, Florida



Black bears have been spotted roaming Florida neighborhoods in search of food, and wildlife officials are advising residents on best practices for living with bears.
A home security video shared by Kirby Lavalee shows a black bear exploring his porch in Lutz, a suburb of Tampa.
Lavalee said the speed racks and other kitchen equipment seen on the porch belong to his wife, chef Kristina Lavallee of The Cake Girl, an award-winning custom cake and cupcake shop in Tampa.
Feeding bears is illegal in the state, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission advises residents to secure all food sources including trash cans, bird feeders and beehives.
“Bears become more active during the spring in search of things to eat, including female bears teaching their cubs where to find food” said the FWCs Bear Management Program Coordinator, Mike Orlando. “By removing attractants such as garbage, pet food and bird seed from around your property, you can help ensure that bears wont find an easy meal. When bears cant find food sources, theyll move on.”
If a bear does approach your home, the agency advises moving to a safe area then scaring the bear away with loud noises such as yelling, banging pots or using an air horn. In Florida, it is also legal to use paintballs, bear spray and slingshots to chase a bear away.