Porcupines are some of the most interesting creatures in the world. With their unique quills and their quiet personalities, they are just super adorable. These spiky...
Sharks are often feared and misunderstood creatures. Their mysterious nature and unpredictable behavior adds to people’s fear regarding them, but this fear may be warranted. This...
Ladybugs probably hold the title for the cutest bug. There is no way you wouldn’t be able to spot a ladybug sunbathing on a leaf. With...
Ostriches are funny looking animals. This animal holds the title of the largest bird in the world and is known for its incredible speed. The ostrich...
Cranes are birds that do not seem that interesting. If you live in the right area, you can see a crane pretty much everywhere you look....
Macaws are probably the most recognizable bird in the wild. These creatures are extremely bright and colorful and have very interesting personalities. Macaws have the ability...
Ducks are animals that do not seem too remarkable. However, once you start diving into the lives of these birds they become a whole lot more...
Penguins are some of the cutest creatures ever. These animals are found in a plethora of environments, from the icy Antarctic to the tropical Galápagos Islands,...
Giraffes are often referred to as gentle giants, but underneath their beauty and grace are several hidden traits that are not too nice. With their enormous...
Anglerfish and frogfish are some of the strangest creatures that live in the deep sea. They are known for their ability to survive under extreme pressures...