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A herd of cows were spotted roaming around a neighborhood in Houston, Texas



A herd of cows was filmed wandering a Houston, Texas, neighborhood seeking shade on Sunday.Rosalind Hobgood said she was just settling in for a nap around noon on Sunday when a neighbor called and told her to look outside. She saw a white cow outside her window. She went to her front door and opened it to find three more cows grazing and defecating in her yard. I had one flowering plant this year and it was gone, she said. A video recorded by Hobgood’s doorbell camera shows three cows in her yard as she steps out and shouts, Hey! Go somewhere! The cows can be seen leaving the area and a child can be heard saying, What the heck is happening? Hobgood said police received numerous calls about the cows. Eventually [a Houston Police Department] patrol car came out they did not engage, sat in their car and watched the cows, she said. Temperatures reached 103 degrees in Houston on Sunday, and as neighbors laughed and joked about the situation on Facebook, some were kind enough to provide water for the cows, which eventually left through a park. Since her video went viral, Hobgood said that shes been getting complaints about the statue seen in her yard. She said the sculpture, which belonged to her deceased parents, is called The Wrestlers, and depicts the ancient Greek sport of pankration, which mixed boxing and wrestling.